
Looking back on the year of art, design, and whimsicality, these are fifteen artists we thought were worth revisiting as we look forward to what's to come in 2011.

Naoko Ito captures small fragments of arboreal longing in a patchwork of assorted shapes and sizes.

Renaud Hallée actualizes the possible relationships between sound and math in color, form, and motion.

Luke Tyman invites an auditory and visual exploration into the planetary drifts in our solar system.

Ariel Schlesinger playfully toys with duality in objects and its ability to transform them.

Craig Colorusso allows the sun to be his conductor, and his boxes to be the conduit.

André Michelle's interactive canvas generates ambient play.

Olle Cornéer conflates agrarian work and sonic composition exposing the song of the earth.

Willy Verginer delightfully parses out the human body according to his own rules geometry and color.

Tim Knowles gives artistic voice to the oftentimes forgotten capabilities of other life forms.

Robert Barta turns inside out the notion of mundane solitude and adorns it in humor.

Kawashima Kotori
masterfully captures children's natural ability to defy seriousness.

Kumi Yamashita
conjures the faces of shadows in her origami as a modern puppeteer.

Laurent Laveder engages in lunar theatre exercises, performing minute dramas with hilarity.

Jason Hirata comically hyperbolizes the quotidian motions of plants.

Sharon Montrose's simple photographs put the emphasis on the immeasurable cuteness of her subjects.

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